Our Journey

The store was the idea of a 13-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis who just got a lung transplant four weeks ago. That little girl’s name is Zoe. In March of 2017, Zoe realized that she will not have to do six hours of breathing treatments a day after she will receive her new lungs. Zoe has been home-bound for a year from school due to infection risks. When Winslow Thurston, mother of Zoe and owner of Willow Home Decor, asked Zoe what she was going to do with six extra hours a day, Zoe replied “I don’t know Mom, what are you gonna do with six extra hours a day?” Zoe loves all things fashion and design, which is how the concept of Willow Home Decor was born. Zoe and her older sister, Katherine, came up with the name and logo for the store. Then, a few weeks later, the store was open for business. The pictures of Zoe above are of her and mother, Winslow, at the store’s grand opening.

Keep in touch with us to continue to follow Zoe on her journey with new lungs. Enter your email below to receive newsletter emails with an update each month on how Zoe is doing, along with sales and promotions Willow Home Decor is offering that month.
